Welcome to Big D Land, which is essentially a collection of different stories, plays, etc., that I have written. Most of these stories are humorous and most can offend some kinds of people. If you are one who is easily offended, please take warning. I hope to have some new works up soon, but I am working on them. I also hope to have some stories not by me, but let's not get too ambitious.
Right now, I will only have a few stories up, but I am in the process of writing more. (and gathering the strength to post them) If you have a story or something that you want to post, then let me know. I just might. Just click on the Read This buttons to begin. Thanks, and enjoy!
Three Medieval Carols and
One Fast Food Restaurant - This is a strange play that I wrote about a
month ago. It takes place in a McDonald's, but the characters have a very
Shakespearean way of speaking, and like all good Shakespeare dramas, this one
ends with plenty of bloodshed. Check this one out!
The Whispering -
Very different from my usual fare, this "to be continued" work is
experimental. It has a strange tonality to it. If you like it, I may write more.
Laundromat - The
first act of a musical I have been working on. This one features it all! Rousing
musical numbers (lyrics only of course, as I can't write music) and lots of
Laundromat action. If anybody out there is interested in doing a score for the
play, by all means, let me know!
Essays: What the Heck? An
Essay on Writing Essays - This is a great guide to the art of essay
writing. Well, not really. If you want to learn how to BS your way through an
essay turn here. If you want to see why essays suck, also look here.
The Story of Our Lives: A
Dramatic Play - Perhaps the strangest title of them all, my first
musical ever written follows the life of a 7-11 worker and one strange day on
the job. Musical numbers include "Slurpee" and so much more. As with
the other, I don't write music, just lyrics. If you are interested, you know what
to do!
Want to comment on a story, or perhaps share one? E-mail me JusMG@aol.com